Ateliers Normand is recognized for its expertise in out-fitting the public areas of newly-construction ocean liners and in the modernization of decorated spaces.

In 1960, Ateliers Normand provided the bars installed onboard the France. Since then the company has developed its know-how in the naval industry and has delivered prestigious spaces onboard the biggest ocean liners. Ateliers Normand Naval controls project management, and the integration of fittings with technical networks:
- development of well-being areas
- development of “floating” theatres
- development of restaurants and buffets
- modernization of public spaces
By managing the whole project: scheduling, procurement monitoring, logistics, manufacture and installation. The company dresses blank canvas spaces to render them fully decorated and adorned with the most noble materials while respecting quality and safety (EHS) requirements. The company’s concern with performance is reflected in its commitment to the LEAN approach. An organization is put in place as close as possible to naval work sites to meet responsiveness and service requirements.
As an expert in well-being spaces, Ateliers Normand delivers many spas and has become a specialist in the out-fitting of well-being spaces onboard ocean liners: Reception area Relaxation spaces Hammam Steam baths Sauna Infrared sauna Rain sky Salt cave Yoga space Hairdressing salon Barbers Manicure/Pedicure Changing rooms Massage room.